FreightWaves readers,

Give your customers a best-in-class freight experience

Logixboard's modern customer experience platform integrates with your existing software systems across the supply chain to unify all customer communications and workflows - allowing LSPs to streamline interactions, deliver superior customer service, and increase revenue.
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Real-time visibility
on demand

Give your customers real-time shipment tracking, invoicing, analytics and more in a modern, user friendly interface that integrates quickly and seamlessly with your current logistics software.

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No more chasing documents

Customers can upload/download shipment documents. Documents sync with your TMS in real-time. Automatic notifications alert you and your customers anytime a new document is uploaded.

Customers save time by eliminating back-and-forth emails and phone calls, and reduce the risk of delays, customs holds and fees.

And your team wonโ€™t have to spend time chasing down customs and other documents.

โ€œWe were invoicing on a monthly basis around $200k, and now with Logixboard integrated to CargoWise we have doubled that number.โ€
Farouk Gomati
Vice President, Interworld Freight

Efficient, timely communication

Disorganized, decentralized communications, and Supply chain problems have your customers on edge. Freight forwarders with centralized communication channels find it easier to audit customer claims and maintain regulatory data for instant retrieval.

Real-time exceptions alerts, shipment notifications, and in-app messages keep you and your customer informed in real-time, eliminating back and forth emails and phone calls.

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Beautiful analytics
and reports

In reaction to customer requests for reporting, youโ€™ve created complex, time-consuming custom spreadsheet reports. Eliminate customer friction and decrease waiting times so your customer gets beautifully organized reports on demand.

Your customers save time with built-in reports and make better decisions to optimize their supply chain.

You get to eliminate compiling data, managing spreadsheets and manually creating QBRs.

More organized accounting

Chasing invoices, back-and-forth email threads and self-performed audits create gaps in communication and questions surrounding accurate, up-to-date information.

Now you can give multiple customer representatives access to your customer portal where they can see all invoices and breakdowns of cost in one place.

Automatically syncs with your TMS to let customers quickly find outstanding invoices and see a full statement of their account in one place.

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Ready to elevate your customer experiences & increase revenue?

Request a live demo with one of our team members today.

Turnkey integration
in as few as 10 days

We know that integrating logistics technology can be hard, messy and complicated. When so many freight forwarders have been burned by technology providers, itโ€™s easy to understand why integrating in 10 days seems like another empty promise.

We make it super easy. Weโ€™ve done so many integrations weโ€™ve stopped counting, and our expert integration team does nearly all the work for you and your team. You can go as quick or as slow as you want. Whatever it is. We will be there for you.

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The ROI of Logixboard


Average New Sales


Average Hours Saved


Average Retained Sales